Club News is A FREE place for WSCA Saddle Clubs to tell their story to readers in the monthly Spotlight books!
Club News Guidelines for the WSCA Spotlight book:
Only saddle club news and correspondence is allowed in the club news section of the WSCA Spotlight. This section is exclusively for WSCA Saddle Clubs to let members, perspective members, and the general public know what their saddle club is about, communicate hi-point winners, for the saddle club queen’s message, and club meeting dates and times, etc.
There are no show dates or specific shows allowed in any form.
Saddle clubs need to purchase space in the Spotlight to advertise shows even if there is no showbill included.
Example of what is NOT acceptable: “WSCA Show on Friday, July 4th @ 6:30PM at our show grounds.”
Example of what IS acceptable: “Check the Spotlight in June for our WSCA game show in July at our saddle club grounds.”
There is a $5 charge to run a photo in a saddle club news article.
Club news write-ups are half page = 7”x 4.9” • Deadline is first of the month prior to publication
• PDFs are preferred • Please call or email with any questions
Herald Journal • (320) 485-2535 •